An old journey between Brands & Bollywood actors

I agree it has grown over the years and now it has reached at such a level that we don’t remember which actors are endorsing which brands in fact its difficult to figure out how many brands they are endorsing.

Celebrity endorsement use to happen in earlier times also but it was not cluttered like how it is today.

I recently got an email having few ads which are endorsed by our old actors actually not all are old as in few have grown old and Few are dead and few are still young actors.

It’s fun to watch old ads and they are funny too. I hope you guys like it.

Surprise your customer

Remember I shared an on-ground activity done by KLM where they shared the message of comfortable sitting in the economy class. What a brilliant way to showcase the message and the point is it was amazingly executed. This time again they have done something unique for their customers but this time they didn’t wanted to share any message but they wanted to make their customers happy by giving them pleasant surprises.

One basic consumer insight is traveling by airplane is cumbersome and waiting for flight at the airport is really boring so the entire journey via airplane is not comfortable and relaxing.

So KLM thought let’s give small pleasant surprises to the customers and make their journey little less stressful. The idea was to use social media tool called foursquare (Foursquare is a mobile application that makes cities easier to use and more interesting to explore. It is a friend-finder, a social city guide and to know more about it at one of KLM’s venues at Amsterdam Schipol Airport, the airline’s team removed out as much information about the customer using the information they have posted publicly through social media tool like Twitter and Facebook and find a customized gift for that particular customer. They then attempted to make contact with the person through social networks and other means to meet up with them to deliver the gift. Have a look at the video, its self-explanatory.

I think it is one of the finest things to do when your customer is least expecting that you will go out of the way and do something exceptional for them. What KLM is doing is they are using this campaign as an experiment for using the social networks. KLM has taken social network at all new level where you remove information about your customer and give do something unique for them. You are hitting them when they are really bored and giving them something which is not general. Just think for a while if I give you a gift which is general or if I gift you something what you like which will make you more happy and delightful? ofcourse the latter.

After experiencing such an activity will it ever go out of your mind, they are not gifting anything expensive but they are gifting something which is personal and close to their heart. I think every other brand should learn from KLM, how to excite your customers and make them


Ashish Shakya

Writer. Stand-Up Comic. Gulab Jamun Enthusiast.

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Paradisaic ADS - I could be Rwong!!!

The Thought behind myadpsyche is to create a community of professionals/beginners, genuinely interested in analysing ads and suggesting a better alternative... speaking out their PSYCHE