Durex Condoms ‘Love Fortune Teller’

Before sharing the second phase idea of my earlier blog I came across something interesting done by a condom brand called Durex in Taiwan market.

Taiwan’s young crowd is fixated to two things gaming and sex but the country is liberal and steeped into reach culture and tradition, young crowd is not open to talk on subject like sex in public.

The problem was if the consumers are not ready to talk about sex then how is it possible for a brand to talk about protected sex?

They just required the right solution for the problem and someone sitting out there got it, one insight that Taiwanese people are very keen to know about their love future. This insight led to an idea of creating Xerud a fortune telling sampling machine.

Have a look at the video it will give you a better understanding.

Awesome idea which gave the consumers what they really liked and weaved in the brand message and product along with it. What’s interesting is, there are multiple ways to give away the information one way is to go to the consumers directly and informing them about the brand but how effective it is in today’s world where consumers are bombarded with so many brand messages. The other way is by doing what Durex did with Xerud machine, shared the information by packaging it as per consumers wanted to listen.

Ashish Shakya

Writer. Stand-Up Comic. Gulab Jamun Enthusiast.

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