Scotch Brite – Old Cliché turn into a surprising demo…!

Scotch Brite is a Sponge brand & they are number 1 in Brazil market. Problem for a brand was that it was more preferred by older people & had clout with the younger generation.

Have a look at the video, I think they have used an old cliché into a finest way of demonstrating the product.

Perfect touch-point for catching the youngsters (target group) & perfect activity to pass the message across. Brand message is passed to the target group in fun & unusual way.

More & more activity I propose to my clients & more I see on-ground brands doing these kinds of activities my belief becomes stronger that any activation idea should have fun element to it then & then only the activity will make an impact & will also have talk-ability.

Of course there should be a message what a brand wants to communicate but it should be in a fun & unique way then it will be very difficult for people to forget about the brand & the activity.

Online CokeFM – Downloadable Concert

Coca Cola did it again…! They are just not stopping in doing all the innovative work. I wasn’t knowing that Coca Cola has their online FM station called Coke Fm. Online FM station is executed in Columbian market and they wanted to promote it that market.

So to promote the online Coke FM they took a popular local band and hosted a live convert on a stage that was suspended over 50m from the ground. If the crowd wants to bring the band down they have to download the songs on Coke FM mobile site. By downloading the songs on their mobile phones of the band which was performing, audience helped to lower the band to the stage.

Have a look at the video 

Coke got 50000 downloads in just one hour & loads of happiness to the crowd which is not quantifiable.

Ashish Shakya

Writer. Stand-Up Comic. Gulab Jamun Enthusiast.

Consumers & Brands

Marketing is all about narrowing the focus

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In a place far away from anyone or anywhere, I drifted off for a moment.


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