HP Photo Shout Booth

What a simple idea but so neatly executed but more then the activity what I like was the a/v, how smartly they have showcased what HP did in Sao Paulo’s rock concert . I think this is one of the best a/v I have seen lately.

While watching the activity please also have a look at the making of the a/v, the color combination which are used, the flow of the video from start to end, the fonts, emphasis on specific words and etc etc.

HP wanted to sponsor  Sao Paulo’s largest rock concert but Rock ‘N Roll has nothing do with printers then how to get associated with a rock concert & also make crowd know about the brand & make the brand registered in their minds ?

There are couple of moments which defines rock concerts like air guitaring, smoking, head banging etc etc.. but what these guys selected was SHOUT. From all these moments I dont know the reason why they selected shout as a moment but one thing is sure it merged with the idea so well.

After seeing the video I think any touch point is a great touch point for a brand till the time the TG is correct, what is needed is a great idea which can get benefits out of it.

Have a look at the video (activity & a/v) both are simply brilliant….!

Push to add Drama TNT

What a thought…! It’s Simply Brilliant. I think this is one of my favorite on-ground activation. TNT Tv channel brand wanted to launch their channel in Belgium & they did this activity. Have a look at it. Its mind blowing!

I think they can do this activity in any country where they are planning to launch & trust me nothing can beat this idea.

In India similar kind of activity we call it as  Street Plays & usually these kinds of Street Plays happens in rural areas or semi urban towns. I have seen Street Plays in India but what makes this activity unique is the content & the detailing of the execution. I think Street Plays can work anywhere be it metro cities or rural areas anywhere provided the content is relevant to the brand & it’s executed nicely.

Street Play should be an experience converted into content & this activity has done that & done it in a best possible way.

Ashish Shakya

Writer. Stand-Up Comic. Gulab Jamun Enthusiast.

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